Global Configuration

ElastAlert 2 has a global configuration file, config.yaml, which defines several aspects of its operation:

buffer_time: ElastAlert 2 will continuously query against a window from the present to buffer_time ago. This way, logs can be back filled up to a certain extent and ElastAlert 2 will still process the events. This may be overridden by individual rules. This option is ignored for rules where use_count_query or use_terms_query is set to true. Note that back filled data may not always trigger count based alerts as if it was queried in real time.

es_host: The host name of the Elasticsearch cluster where ElastAlert 2 records metadata about its searches. When ElastAlert 2 is started, it will query for information about the time that it was last run. This way, even if ElastAlert 2 is stopped and restarted, it will never miss data or look at the same events twice. It will also specify the default cluster for each rule to run on. The environment variable ES_HOST will override this field. For multiple host Elasticsearch clusters see es_hosts parameter.

es_port: The port corresponding to es_host. The environment variable ES_PORT will override this field.

es_hosts is the list of addresses of the nodes of the Elasticsearch cluster. This parameter can be used for high availability purposes, but the primary host must also be specified in the es_host parameter. The es_hosts parameter can be overridden within each rule. This value can be specified as host:port if overriding the default port. The environment variable ES_HOSTS will override this field, and can be specified as a comma-separated value to denote multiple hosts.

use_ssl: Optional; whether or not to connect to es_host using TLS; set to True or False. The environment variable ES_USE_SSL will override this field.

verify_certs: Optional; whether or not to verify TLS certificates; set to True or False. The default is True.

ssl_show_warn: Optional; suppress TLS and certificate related warnings; set to True or False. The default is True.

client_cert: Optional; path to a PEM certificate to use as the client certificate.

client_key: Optional; path to a private key file to use as the client key.

ca_certs: Optional; path to a CA cert bundle to use to verify SSL connections

es_username: Optional; basic-auth username for connecting to es_host. The environment variable ES_USERNAME will override this field.

es_password: Optional; basic-auth password for connecting to es_host. The environment variable ES_PASSWORD will override this field.

es_bearer: Optional; Bearer token for connecting to es_host. The environment variable ES_BEARER will override this field. This authentication option will override the password authentication option.

es_api_key: Optional; Base64 api-key token for connecting to es_host. The environment variable ES_API_KEY will override this field. This authentication option will override both the bearer and the password authentication options.

es_url_prefix: Optional; URL prefix for the Elasticsearch endpoint. The environment variable ES_URL_PREFIX will override this field.

es_send_get_body_as: Optional; Method for querying Elasticsearch - GET, POST or source. The default is GET

es_conn_timeout: Optional; sets timeout for connecting to and reading from es_host; defaults to 20.

rules_loader: Optional; sets the loader class to be used by ElastAlert 2 to retrieve rules and hashes. Defaults to FileRulesLoader if not set.

rules_folder: The name of the folder or a list of folders which contains rule configuration files. ElastAlert 2 will load all files in this folder, and all subdirectories, that end in .yaml. If the contents of this folder change, ElastAlert 2 will load, reload or remove rules based on their respective config files. (only required when using FileRulesLoader).

scan_subdirectories: Optional; Sets whether or not ElastAlert 2 should recursively descend the rules directory - true or false. The default is true

run_every: How often ElastAlert 2 should query Elasticsearch. ElastAlert 2 will remember the last time it ran the query for a given rule, and periodically query from that time until the present. The format of this field is a nested unit of time, such as minutes: 5. This is how time is defined in every ElastAlert 2 configuration.

misfire_grace_time: If the rule scheduler is running behind, due to large numbers of rules or long-running rules, this grace time settings allows a rule to still be executed, provided its next scheduled runt time is no more than this grace period, in seconds, overdue. The default is 5 seconds.

writeback_index: The index on es_host to use.

max_query_size: The maximum number of documents that will be downloaded from Elasticsearch in a single query. The default is 10,000, and if you expect to get near this number, consider using use_count_query for the rule. If this limit is reached, ElastAlert 2 will scroll using the size of max_query_size through the set amount of pages, when max_scrolling_count is set or until processing all results.

max_scrolling_count: The maximum amount of pages to scroll through. The default is 990, to avoid a stack overflow error due to Python’s stack limit of 1000. For example, if this value is set to 5 and the max_query_size is set to 10000 then 50000 documents will be downloaded at most.

max_threads: The maximum number of concurrent threads available to process scheduled rules. Large numbers of long-running rules may require this value be increased, though this could overload the Elasticsearch cluster if too many complex queries are running concurrently. Default is 10.

scroll_keepalive: The maximum time (formatted in Time Units) the scrolling context should be kept alive. Avoid using high values as it abuses resources in Elasticsearch, but be mindful to allow sufficient time to finish processing all the results.

max_aggregation: The maximum number of alerts to aggregate together. If a rule has aggregation set, all alerts occuring within a timeframe will be sent together. The default is 10,000.

old_query_limit: The maximum time between queries for ElastAlert 2 to start at the most recently run query. When ElastAlert 2 starts, for each rule, it will search elastalert_metadata for the most recently run query and start from that time, unless it is older than old_query_limit, in which case it will start from the present time. The default is one week.

disable_rules_on_error: If true, ElastAlert 2 will disable rules which throw uncaught (not EAException) exceptions. It will upload a traceback message to elastalert_metadata and if notify_email is set, send an email notification. The rule will no longer be run until either ElastAlert 2 restarts or the rule file has been modified. This defaults to True.

show_disabled_rules: If true, ElastAlert 2 show the disable rules’ list when finishes the execution. This defaults to True.

notify_alert: List of alerters to execute upon encountering a system error. System errors occur when an unexpected exception is thrown during rule processing. For additional notifications, such as when ElastAlert 2 background tests encounter problems, or when connectivity to the data storage system is lost, enable notify_all_errors.

See the Alerts section for the list of available alerters and their parameters.

Included fields in a system notification are:

  • message: The details about the error

  • timestamp: The time that the error occurred

  • rule: Rule object if the error occurred during the processing of a rule, otherwise will be empty/None.

The following example shows how all ElastAlert 2 system errors can be delivered to both a Matrix chat server and an email address.

- email
- matrixhookshot

notify_all_errors: true

from_addr: "ElastAlert 2 <>"
smtp_auth_file: /opt/elastalert2/smtp.auth
matrixhookshot_webhook_url: https://some-matrix-server/webhook/xyz

notify_all_errors: If true, notification emails will be sent on additional system errors. This can cause a large number of emails to be sent when connectivity to Elasticsearch is lost. When set to false, only unexpected, rule-specific errors will be sent.

notify_email: (DEPRECATED) An email address, or list of email addresses, to which notification emails will be sent upon encountering an unexpected rule error. The from address, SMTP host, and reply-to header can be set using from_addr, smtp_host, and email_reply_to options, respectively. By default, no emails will be sent. NOTE: This is a legacy method with limited email delivery support. Use the newer notify_alert setting to gain the full flexibility of ElastAlert 2’s alerter library for system notifications.

single address example:

notify_email: "one@domain"


multiple address example:

    - "one@domain"
    - "two@domain"

from_addr: The address to use as the from header in email notifications. This value will be used for email alerts as well, unless overwritten in the rule config. The default value is “ElastAlert”.

smtp_host: The SMTP host used to send email notifications. This value will be used for email alerts as well, unless overwritten in the rule config. The default is “localhost”.

email_reply_to: This sets the Reply-To header in emails. The default is the recipient address.

aws_region: This makes ElastAlert 2 to sign HTTP requests when using Amazon OpenSearch Service. It’ll use instance role keys to sign the requests. The environment variable AWS_DEFAULT_REGION will override this field.

profile: AWS profile to use when signing requests to Amazon OpenSearch Service, if you don’t want to use the instance role keys. The environment variable AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE will override this field.

replace_dots_in_field_names: If True, ElastAlert 2 replaces any dots in field names with an underscore before writing documents to Elasticsearch. The default value is False. Elasticsearch 2.0 - 2.3 does not support dots in field names.

string_multi_field_name: If set, the suffix to use for the subfield for string multi-fields in Elasticsearch. The default value is .keyword.

add_metadata_alert: If set, alerts will include metadata described in rules (category, description, owner and priority); set to True or False. The default is False.

skip_invalid: If True, skip invalid files instead of exiting.

jinja_root_name: When using a Jinja template, specify the name of the root field name in the template. The default is _data.

jinja_template_path: When using a Jinja template, specify relative (based on current working directory) filesystem path to template, this overrides the default behaviour of using alert_text as the template.

custom_pretty_ts_format: This option provides a way to define custom format of timestamps printed in log messages and in alert messages. If this option is not set, default timestamp format (‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %Z’) will be used. (Optional, string, default None)

Example usage and resulting formatted timestamps:

(not set; default)                               -> '2021-08-16 21:38 JST'
custom_pretty_ts_format: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %z'     -> '2021-08-16 21:38 +0900'
custom_pretty_ts_format: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'        -> '2021-08-16 21:38'